Available Episodes

S7 | E18 The One With Joey's Award 20 min New
S7 | E18 Friends 20 min Expires April 6
Joey overreacts at a daytime drama awards show. ..More
S7 | E19 Friends 20 min Expires April 6
Monica's gorgeous cousin unwittingly wreaks havoc on Chandler and Ross. Rachel and Phoebe hastily plan a surprise bridal party for Monica. ..More
S7 | E20 The One With Rachel's Big Kiss 20 min New
S7 | E20 Friends 20 min Expires April 6
Rachel reveals a titillating secret about her and a former sorority sister. Ross and Chandler compete for wedding tuxedos. ..More
S7 | E21 The One with the Vows 20 min New
S7 | E21 Friends 20 min Expires April 6
As Monica and Chandler prepare their wedding vows, they and their friends reminisce. ..More
S7 | E22 The One With Chandler's Dad 20 min New
S7 | E22 Friends 20 min Expires April 6
Chandler confronts his estranged cross-dressing father. Rachel gets into trouble driving Monica's Porsche. ..More
S7 | E23 Friends 20 min Expires April 6
On the eve of the wedding, Ross searches for missing Chandler, who has doubts, while the girls distract unsuspecting Monica. ..More
S7 | E24 Friends 20 min Expires April 6
Monica remains blissfully unaware of the potential disasters on her wedding day. ..More
S8 | E1 The One After "I Do" 20 min New
S8 | E1 Friends 20 min Expires April 6
The reception following Monica and Chandler's wedding is almost upstaged by the news that a member of the group might be pregnant. ..More
S8 | E2 The One With The Red Sweater 20 min New
S8 | E2 Friends 20 min Expires April 6
Rachel debates whether she should break the news to her baby's father. ..More
S8 | E3 The One Where Rachel Tells ... 20 min New
S8 | E3 Friends 20 min Expires April 6
The real father of Rachel's baby is revealed; Monica and Chandler struggle to make their honeymoon flight. ..More